I brought my camera to Charleston. Yes, to get pictures of this fun city, but also to take pictures of scrapbook layouts that I have never uploaded to a gallery or my blog. Jack did question why a box of scrapbook layouts and albums were going on our getaway weekend, but I quickly mumbled something incoherent as I walked away to take our dogs out and he didn't ask again. A girl with a plan...but....we were running so late, and I had packed so fast, that I completely forgot to pack the camera's battery charger! So, no great pictures of Charleston and no new scrapbook pages uploaded to the blog until I get back home to a fully charged camera. I did get a couple pictures with my iPhone -- please comment here to help me decide what the title of this Charleston layout will be with JUST these two sad little pictures.

How about "Wonderful Trip - No camera" Really creative huh!